Oct 30, 2024
You have the ability to forward calls to any person or number (including hunt groups) through the Wildix Collaboration web version and the phone app (click here for instructions). To do so, follow these instructions:
- Go to https://wileyx.wildixin.com/
- Log in with your credentials
- Go to the Settings tab on the top
- Go to Features
- By default, only internal calls are enabled and the two default classes. Under the first class, slide the radio slider to green and enter in a number/contact like so (replace 999 with your desired extension):
- You may need to do the same under the Do not disturb class if you use this feature (By default, this class is enabled so I would enable Call Forwarding for this class as well).
- Click SAVE
- Test the call and make sure it works.
To disable call forwarding, simply turn off the feature by pressing the radio slider back to grey from green. Make another test call to ensure that it is off. If you have any issues, please submit a ticket.