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Home > FAQ > Wildix Collaboration > How to Add/Edit Colleagues on Wildix Collaboration
How to Add/Edit Colleagues on Wildix Collaboration
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Within the Wildix Collaboration environment, you have the option to customize what you see under the colleagues tab. You can add or remove colleagues for each department. Each user may see different colleagues for each department (sometimes no contacts at all). The following instructions will show you how to add colleagues to the department. This is useful if you don't see the appropriate colleague under a specific department. The process is the same for removing contacts to the department.


  1. On the Wildix Collaboration web version, click on the Others drop down menu to the right of Settings
  2. Click on Edit Colleagues
  3. Here you'll see the option to modify your colleagues. The default view is all, meaning you can see every department. Each colleague is categorized under a department, this is highlighted in Bold. Simple click the box next to the name to add a colleague. You can also check the box for a department to add everyone under it. Green means they're added.
  4. If you want to filter to a specific department, click the drop-down menu on the right
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